Saturday, 31 December 2011

How to Let Go of 2011 and Embrace the New Year!

How to Let Go of 2011 and Embrace the New Year.

Most human beings mark their lives through rituals. We have weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies, birthday candles- all rituals to mark events.

Every year on the 31st December, I find it incredibly beneficial to do a New Year Ritual or a Cleanse. This is something I’ve done for years without even consciously realising it. This process doesn’t involve making any resolutions because most of the time, I had always found that whatever vow I had made to myself on the 1st January would fall by the wayside by the 10th! I used to revert back to old patterns and then make things worse by beating myself up for not sticking to my resolutions.

 Is there a better way to welcome in the New Year? Absolutely! We can decide not to make any resolutions and instead engage ourselves in a creative process of reflection and intention setting.

This New Year’s ritual that I’m sharing with you will support you in letting go of 2011 and clarifying your focus for the 2012 and beyond. So I invite you to follow this process, have a read through the steps and it’s important that you please feel free to change anything you wish in order for you to own it! 

Step 1:

On December 31st, schedule at least an hour of uninterrupted time for yourself. Get comfortable, light a candle if that’s your thing, perhaps put on some music. Get some crisp, clean paper and begin by writing the heading "2011 in Review.” Then, think over the year. Month by month remember events that happened, people you met, places you went, lessons you learned (or didn’t learn!), accomplishments, what you were happy about, what you were grateful for, struggles, funny moments, loves you had, loves you lost and so on. What is so great about looking at the year in this way is that you are able to notice how you have grown and express gratitude.  A year can pass so quickly and often we forget how much actually happened!

Step 2:

After you have gone through each month, I want you to consider the behaviour, beliefs or habits that you displayed that you’d like to leave behind. We all have our regrets and learning experiences, yet a lot of us tend to hold onto them much longer than we need to.  On a separate sheet of paper, write down what you would like to leave behind in 2011. For example, this year I want to leave behind feeling insecure and anxious when a new opportunity pops up! (I felt like it was one step forward, two steps back all year!), other examples could be excessive time watching tv or online, bad eating habits, listening to that little voice in your head saying ‘I can’t or I’m not good enough etc’, obsessing over anything or anyone. When you complete this list, rip it up into tiny pieces to really get rid of it. I usually burn mine!

Step 3:

If you want to, share your year in review with someone close to you. See what they recall, reminisce, and share a couple laughs. I do this sometimes with my sister or another close family member- it is incredible the difference one year can make and it’s really interesting to see how two people who would have gone through the same experience could have completely different perspectives, memories and reactions.

Step 4:

Make a toast to the end of the year. A few years ago, I had a pretty bad year - in fact it was just awful! One train wreck after another! I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed toasting the end of a year as much as I did for that year! And I got so excited that it was over and I was committed to ensuring the next year was outrageously fabulous and guess what, it was!  So however your year was, I would encourage you to say a few words of gratitude for the year, feel thankful for all the good, and even the bad and declare you are letting it go. At midnight on December 31st 2011, toast to releasing anything that no longer serves you. Some people need to give themselves permission to release thoughts, beliefs and feelings that no longer serve them so if you feel you need to do this, then do it. It’s your gift to yourself.

Step 5:

On 1st January, you are beginning to create 2012. Light a new candle, put on some uplifting music, get comfortable . . . basically set the mood. Get yourself a new sheet of blank paper. As a suggestion, at the top I would encourage you to write your ‘Intention Statement’ for the year. Just a short sentence to set the mood for the year you wish to create- don’t worry about the details, that will come later. For example, this year ‘I am creating a year of inner peace, love, calmness and strength’. A great one I heard yesterday was ‘I am creating a year of outrageous joy!’ For some people, they find it helpful to state ‘I am allowing a year of ......’. Whatever works for you is right.

Step 6:

Now, without thinking or analysing, write down anything and everything that comes to your mind that you would like to create, have, do or be in 2012. Be specific, be creative and think big; don’t limit yourself! If there’s something you want to do, like a sun holiday but you don’t know how you could afford it- put it down anyway. I am a firm believer that you get what you focus on! You could win a holiday in 2012 ;) Write until your brain is empty - don't worry about being greedy! You have one life and it’s up to you to make things happen!

Note: write everything in present tense in the "I am" and use verbs to enthusiastically express what you want. For instance, "I am in the perfect relationship and my partner treats me with the love and respect I truly deserve.".

A lot of people also use pictures to add power to their intentions, for example, a picture of the new house you want, or the logo from the company you want to work for!

Step 7:

 Choose a place to display your list or poster. You can pick somewhere in your home where people are bound to notice or somewhere that only you can see it. It’s completely up to you. Or you can create an intention box and include this list as well as pictures and objects that are symbolic or meaningful to you. (It could be a good reason to get yourself that new pair of shoes- you need the box!).

Step 8:

Throughout the year, review your list, poster, box as often as you can. Read over what you have written and feel free to add to it or amend things. Keep an eye out for opportunities that arise and take them. Don’t second guess yourself. Observe with gratitude as the things you want in your life begin to come to you. Don’t beat yourself up or get discouraged if things don;t seem to be shifting- Persistence is key. Ask yourself ‘Is there anything else I could be doing to bring this into my life? How can I make this happen today?  Remember focusing on the good things that we have and how lucky we are is the best way to get more of that type of circumstance and experience.

New Years Eve and day will come and go like any other day but I would encourage you to give yourself the gift of this ritual. Get out of your own way for 2012 and resolve this year to take the steps to truly live.

Happy New Year to you All!

P.S. If you would like extra support in 2012, why not consider signing up for 6 months of one-to-one coaching sessions.  Special rate of €199 for 6 x 1 hour sessions, monthly from January to June if you mention this blog! Hurry though, as this offer is limited!

“You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is you.” Dr Joe Vitale

Paula, Your Aspirations Coach

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